Mike Schulz was over the moon with Dave Levora and Darren Pitra about how many films he was able to watch and review (five) and still visit his mother in Chicago. Good job, homie.
Mike Schulz, Dave Levora, and Darren Pitra sound alarmed about the possibility of another mic having fritzed out, leaving Pitra to shout out his contributions from the bleachers. Not this time, baby! Schulz was happy with the Oscar production and the films that won (mostly). Ryan Gosling’s “Ken” song? Who could resist that? And he was happy with his rate of Oscar predictions, having missed only five of them, having tied for last year.
Mike Schulz, Dave Levora, and Darren Pitra discuss Schulz’s recent reviews as well as the Oscars, airing this Sunday — and breathe out. Owing to technical issues, however, what should be an audio three-way sounds like one of the participants — in this case, Darren — has been mixed waaaay down in the feed. Technical issues in the studio left the three with only two working mics, so Levorac, mensch that he is, elected to give Schulz his mic. Bear that in mind as the discussion proceeds, ‘kay?
Dave Levora told Mike Schulz how he regrets not being present when MS saw Madame Webb: “I love it when you just tee off on a film,” he said. Levora’s not the only one — Darren Pitra presumably shares it. And good kids who eat their cereal get a healthy dose of irony with each spoonful!
Mike Schulz, Dave Levora, and Darren Pitra can’t get enough other, and their time away was pure agony. For the next fifteen minutes and change, that pain is forestalled. Incidentally, The Last Picture House is showing Oscar-nominated short films, both live-action and animated. Ohhhhhhh, boy.
Mike Schulz, Dave Levora, and Darren Pitra get into the documentary The Greatest Night in Pop, streaming on Netflix, which looks back forty years to the recording of “We are the World” and everything behind the scenes to which Eighties audiences were not privy — such as Paul Simon scoping the room full of stars and dead-panning a line to the camera that one will not repeat, as it’s so murderously funny. Yes, Dave, it was a mistake to get rid of your Netflix account.
Mike Schulz, Dave Levora, and Darren Pitra celebrate Schulz getting his car back, which cramped his style for at least a week in the preceding month. Schulz said he had been wondering why there weren’t too many movies for him to review in January, and then it hit him: The writer’s strike is still being felt by us all.
Mike Schulz, Dave Levora, and Darren Pitra yearn for the return of the sun before Levora commends Schulz on the number of Oscar picks he got right. Schulz demurs, saying he beat last year’s record by one, and that averages out to about an eighty-percentile grade. They then discuss the particulars of the Oscar nominations, which you can hear at the following podcast.
Concerning the films that he managed to see this past week:
Mike Schulz, Dave Levora, and Darren Pitra would have met up last week, 01/11, but for road conditions, which prevented Schulz from making it to the studio for his klatch with the Deez. No such distractions this week! Of course, this means lightning-round recaps of everything Schulz has seen this week and last.